I am a Girl Scout Senior and created this website as part of my Gold Award Project. I have been a Girl Scout since I was five years old and am still enjoying it ten years later! Being a Girl Scout, I have always supported feminism and the basic idea that females should be empowered to do everything men do without receiving different treatment for it. I also believe that is extremely important to pass these values down to younger generations, so that the future really will "be female."
During my time in Girl Scouts, I have gone camping, earned badges, traveled, made lifelong friendships, helped my community, and volunteered teaching younger scouts. I have also completed dozens of service projects, including my Silver Award Project. However, this is the biggest project I have ever done, and all of these experiences and skills have come together to help me complete it.
In addition to Girl Scouts, I am a passionate all-around dancer. I have been dancing since I was 3 years old, and it is more than a hobby to me. I also have a large musical background; my mother is a music teacher, my father is a pianist, and I have been taking piano lessons and entering performance competitions since I was eight years old.
My ethnic background is mixed Asian-American and White, so I've both experienced and heard many discriminating stereotypes regarding race, gender, and age. This project is one step towards abolishing them once and for all.
At the moment, I would like to pursue a career in architecture or interior design, both of which happen to be male-dominated. I absolutely love being creative; I've taken several art and design classes. I also have lots of experience designing things, editing videos, and conducting interviews, so I thought this would be the perfect project for me to complete. (Go to the "about the project" page to find out more!)
If you're a young girl reading this right now, don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do just because of who you are. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams and passions because your ethnicity or gender or age is holding you back. Just go for it! No one decides your future but you. I believe in you :)
- Seraphina