Civil Engineer- Yuting Wang
About Yuting Wang
Yuting Wang, project manager at Pete Moffat Construction - a general contractor that
specializes in the renovation and new construction of custom single-family homes in San
Francisco Bay Area. She holds a bachelor degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from
Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology, and a master degree in Sustainable Design and
Construction from Stanford University. She started her career at Pete Moffat Construction as an
assistant project manager. After 2 years she was promoted to the project manager and took on
the first remodeling project on her own. Since then, she has delivered three million-dollar
remodeling projects on schedule, within the budget and with top-notch quality. Her day-to-day
responsibility includes budget control, scheduling, subcontracts negotiation and management,
and providing day-to-day communication and coordination with the owners, architects,
engineers, and sub-contractors.
She also has experience in project estimating, construction accounting and she’s familiar with
all common construction contract scenarios, such as cost plus, cost plus a fixed fee, guaranteed
maximum price (GMP), and hard bid (fixed fee).
Outside of work Yuting enjoys painting, embroidering, being in nature and traveling.


1. How long have you been doing your job?

3. What kind of education is required for your career?

4. What personal experiences or skills that you have have been helpful for your job?

5. Which of your personality traits are helpful and important for your job?

6. What is a typical day like in your job?

7. What do you like most about your job?

8. What are your least favorite parts of the job?

9. What is the most interesting story that happened during your job?

10. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?

11. Did you face any specific challenges because of your gender in a male-dominated career?

12. What advice do you have for someone who might want to pursue this career?

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