Meteorologist- Betty Davis

About Betty Davis
Betty Davis is the chief certified meteorologist for Local 10. She provides weather forecasts for South Florida Monday-Friday during the 4, 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts. Betty has been forecasting the weather for more than 15 years. She spent nearly five years on the national scene working as an on-camera meteorologist for The Weather Channel. Before departing, she was co-host of "Weekend View," the network's highest-rated program. Betty has worked in several television markets, including Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, and Macon, Georgia. Early in her career, she spent time as a writer for CNN Headline News in Atlanta. Betty is proud to hold the CBM (Certified Broadcast Meteorologist) seal from the American Meteorological Society -- considered the gold standard of accreditation in the field of broadcast meteorology. Also, she has the seal of approval from the National Weather Association. Betty holds a B.S. in geosciences from Mississippi State University, with an emphasis in broadcast meteorology. Betty also graduated magna cum laude from Atlanta's Spelman College with a B.A. in English. Betty carries her passion for education into classrooms across South Florida. She visits schools throughout the year, sharing her expertise in weather and providing words of wisdom to students. Also, she mentors college students striving for careers in meteorology and communications.

1. What inspired you to pursue this career?

2. How long have you been doing your job?

3. What kind of education is required for your career?

4. What personal experiences or skills that you have have been helpful for your job?

5. Which of your personality traits are helpful and important for your job?

6. What is a typical day like in your job?

7. What do you like most about your job?

8. What are your least favorite parts of the job?

9. What is the most interesting story that happened during your job?

10. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?

11. Did you face any specific challenges because of your gender in a male-dominated career

12. What advice do you have for someone who might want to pursue this career?

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