Computer Scientist/Professor- Nicki Washington

About Nicki Washington
Dr. Nicki Washington is a professor of the practice of computer science at Duke University and the author of Unapologetically Dope: Lessons for Black Women and Girls on Surviving and Thriving in the Tech Field. She previously spent nine years at Howard University as the first Black female faculty member in the Department of Computer Science. Her professional experience also includes Winthrop University, The Aerospace Corporation, and IBM. Recognized as one of Essence Magazine’s “Essence Tech Stars: 15 Black Women Disrupting the Tech Industry,” Dr. Washington has led partnerships with the Howard University Middle School of Math and Science, Google, Exploring Computer Science, and Washington, DC Public Schools to introduce computer science courses and teacher professional development across Washington, DC high schools. She was a lead writer for the K-12 CS Framework (led by and South Carolina K-12 Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards. Her efforts in K-12 CS education have directly impacted approximately 10 million K-12 students and thousands of educators in over 20 states and Washington, DC, and they will continue to impact more nationwide as additional states develop K-12 CS standards.

1. What kind of education is required for your career?

2. What personal experiences or skills that you have have been helpful for your job?

3. Which of your personality traits are helpful and important for your job?

4. What is a typical day like in your job?

5. What do you like the most about your job?

6. What is the most interesting story that has happened during your job?

7. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?

8. Did you face any specific challenges because of your gender in a male-dominated career?

9. What advice do you have for someone who might want to pursue this career?