Store Manager- Shawna Gagliano

About Shawna Gagliano
My name is Shawna Gagliano and I am the Store Manager for Nexus Shooting, LLC. I have been in the customer service industry for quite some time, as well as, being in various leadership roles. I have worked in the legal field, marketing departments, and in human resources for almost 30 years. After attending various colleges and technical schools throughout my career, I recently started attending Pennsylvania State University for my Master’s Degree in Organizational Development and Change. My passion for motivating employees and working with them by teaching them new skills and processes is what makes me work harder each day. I am quite passionate about making people better whether it is in their personal life or professional life. Many team members call me “Mama Shawna” as I’d like to think that I have a friendly and caring personality, with a hint of firmness. When I’m not working, I like to go camping with my husband and three children. I enjoy being in the outdoors since I’m always in a building for work.

1. What inspired you to pursue this career?

2. How long have you been doing your job?

3. What kind of education is required for your career?

4. What personal experiences or skills that you have have been helpful for your job?

5. Which of your personality traits are helpful and important for your job?

6. What is a typical day like in your job?

7. What do you like the most about your job?

8. What are your least favorite parts of the job?

9. What is the most interesting story that happened during your job?

10. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?

11. Did you face any specific challenges because of your gender in a male-dominated career?

12. What advice do you have for someone who might want to pursue this career?

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