Firefighter- Janet Neita

About Janet Neita
Janet Neita, Rescue Lieutenant with Coral Springs Fire Department, has more than 13 years in the fire service and more than 15 years in the medical field. Recently she received a Life Saving Award for saving a woman from an apartment fire. The woman was not able to walk or talk and was stuck alone in an apartment that was filled with smoke. The apartment next to hers was fully engulfed in flames. Janet was able to quickly force entry into her apartment, pick her up and put her into a wheelchair and bring her out. Janet has received numerous other awards in her 13 years in the fire service, including 2 team citations, 4 unit citations, and 3 total lifesaving awards. Janet has a Bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University and is starting her Master’s degree very soon with University of Florida. She also plans on promoting in the department to the rank of Captain.

1. What inspired you to pursue this career?

2. How long have you been doing your job?

3. What kind of education is required for your career?

4. What personal experiences or skills that you have have been helpful for your job?

5. Which of your personality traits are helpful and important for your job?

6. What is a typical day like in your job?

7. What do you like most about your job?

8. What are your least favorite parts of the job?

9. What is the most interesting story that happened during your job?

10. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?

11. Did you face any specific challenges because of your gender in a male-dominated career?

12. What advice do you have for someone who might want to pursue this career?